Here’s How To Prepare Your House for Rain

Rain, the lifeblood of nature, has the power to rejuvenate our surroundings and bring a sense of calm to our lives. However, when it comes to our homes, it's essential to be proactive in preparing for the inevitable downpours. From protecting your foundation to ensuring a leak-free roof, here's a comprehensive guide on how to prepare your house for rain and safeguard your sanctuary.

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Dalton Johnson
What To Know Before Remodeling Your Kitchen

Remodeling your kitchen is an exciting venture that can breathe new life into one of the most important spaces in your home. However, before you dive headfirst into the world of countertops, cabinets, and color palettes, it's crucial to consider several key factors to ensure a successful and satisfying kitchen transformation.

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Dalton Johnson
How Much Does Mobile Home Duct Cleaning Cost?

Routine mobile home maintenance includes cleaning your ducts. Since mobile homes have central heating and air conditioning (HVAC), the ducts will naturally collect dust, grime, and more. This is natural. So, to keep your home environment healthy, cleaning your air sources is critical and requires cleaning twice a year. The best times for your cleaning is when you are switching from heating to air and air to heating. But, how much is that going to cost?

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Dalton Johnson
How Much Does Releveling My Mobile Home Cost?

Releveling a mobile home is routine maintenance to insure your home is safe. Since a mobile home does not have a foundation and is balanced atop several blocks, over the years a home can become unlevel. This is natural. Every 2 to 3 years a mobile home needs to be releveled to ensure its stability and your safety. For most, releveling your own home is not an option, so you will need to a call somebody. But, how much is that going to cost?

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Dalton Johnson
When to Get Your Ducts Cleaned

Your home is where you spend the most amount of time throughout your day, so having a clean and healthy indoor environment is important. One of the key factors in maintaining a healthy indoor environment is clean air. Outside of windows, the air in your home comes from your air ducts, so dirty air ducts will pollute your home air. You can prevent this by getting your ducts cleaned.

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When To Relevel Your Mobile Home

Mobile homes become unlevel for a variety of reasons. After they are installed, a mobile home can settle into the ground due to excessive moisture, experience ground heave, damage to shims or wedges, and so many other reasons. The good news, it is all easily fixed! Re-leveling a mobile home does exactly what it says, it re-levels the mobile home so the weight is distributed evenly and properly. A level home is a healthy home.

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Dalton JohnsonCapital West
Annual Mobile Home Maintenance

Every year a mobile home needs to have a foundation inspection, the dryer vent cleaned to prevent fires and ducts inspected, and a roof inspection should be completed to ensure the integrity of your roof. By keeping up with these three yearly mobile home checks, you will ensure the health of your family and longevity of your home.

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Dalton JohnsonCapital West